國際移民及置業博覽 International Immigration & Property Expo |
日期 Date: | 2024.3.23-24 |
時間 Time: | 10am – 8pm (Sat)/ 10am – 7pm (Sun) |
地點 Venue: | 灣仔會展 (HKCEC, Wan Chai) Hall 5G |
費用 Fee | 全免 Free entry |
「第五屆國際移民及置業博覽」將於2024年3月23-24日會展Hall 5G舉行。是次博覽除多達20個移民國家供入場人士諮詢外,亦包括各種相關服務,包括升學、工作、稅務、海外租買樓、搬運以及資產管理等,讓入場人士只需花半日時間便可掌握所有繁複的資訊。
"The 5th International Immigration & Property Expo" will be held on March 23-24, 2024, at HKCEC Hall 5G. In addition to providing consultation for up to 20 immigrant countries, the expo also includes various related services such as education, employment, taxation, overseas property purchase, relocation, and asset management.
更多博覽資訊 (More about the expo):https://immigration-expo.com/
免費講座,優先登記 (Free Seminar Registration)
Register for entry tickets starting today and have priority registration for various seminars.
一個博覽 · 助你輕鬆計劃移民之路 (Plan your immigration journey with Ease)
1. 免費入場 (Free entry)
2. 超過70場專家講座 (Over 70+ seminars)
3. 100間參展公司 (Over 100+ exhibitors)
4. 掌握移民、升學、稅務、置業、搬運等 (Info on immigration, education, property, etc)
各國移民 (Immigration)
- 英國、澳洲、加拿大、歐盟國家、美國、日本、紐西蘭等 20多個國家。
- Over 20 countries including UK, Aus, Canada, EU countries, Japan, US , and more.
海外物業 (Overseas Property)
- 包括不同項目方及優質租 / 買方案及選擇,適合不同要求人士。
- High-quality rental/ buying options catering to different preferences.
海外升學 (Overseas Study)
- 專業海外升學公司,提供詳細講解及經驗分享,亦有不同國家學校資訊。
- Providing detailed explanations and sharing experiences on schools in different countries.
寵物移民 (Pet Immigration)
- 想同毛孩一齊移民,有多個注意事項,由專業寵物移民公司為你提供各大小貼士。
- Professional per immigration experts will provide tips and ideas.
稅務及資產管理 (Taxation & Asset Management)
- 不同國家有不同稅務要求,由稅務專家親身解說如何避免跌入稅務陷阱。
- 想移民後有更多被動收入,便要做好資產管理,掌握市況進行投資。
- Tax experts will explain how to avoid falling into tax traps.